Preferential Transactions: Potential Interpretations Based On The US Bankruptcy Code

Update: 2018-02-26 10:23 GMT

The key challenge goingforward will be for theNCLT to adopt a purposiveinterpretation to the IBCprovisions on preferentialtransactions which strikes abalance between preventingunfair payments and ensuringthat lenders are willingto continue supporting adistressed business duringthe time when their supportis most requiredA fundamental objective of insolvency lawis ensuring pari passu (on...

The key challenge going

forward will be for the

NCLT to adopt a purposive

interpretation to the IBC

provisions on preferential

transactions which strikes a

balance between preventing

unfair payments and ensuring

that lenders are willing

to continue supporting a

distressed business during

the time when their support

is most required

A fundamental objective of insolvency law

is ensuring pari passu (on equal footing)

treatment of creditors of the same class. When

borrowers become financially distressed,

individual creditors are incentivized to press

for payment in priority to other creditors to maximize their

individual recovery. Borrowers themselves are incentivized

to prioritize payments to certain lenders (for example, those

who hold a personal guarantee from the promoters of the

borrower). Insolvency legislation in various jurisdictions, for

example, the United States of America ("US") and England,

describes such payments as "preferences" and allows for

insolvency professionals appointed over insolvent debtors

to apply to a Court to set them aside and recover the monies

paid out into the common pool available to all creditors

with unsecured claims in accordance with the legislative

order of priority.

The Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016 ("IBC")

has introduced provisions prohibiting "preferential

transactions" in Indian insolvency legislation.2 Resolution

professionals have a duty to report such transactions to the

committee of creditors and to file applications to set them

aside.3 The US Bankruptcy Code ("US Bankruptcy Code")

has contained similar provisions for a number of years. This

article considers the preferential transaction provisions in the IBC and how these might be interpreted based on the

US Bankruptcy Code and decisions of the US Courts. It also

briefly considers additional defenses available to creditors

in the US, which might be argued in India.

The wide definition of

related party is potentially

problematic. For example,

bank lenders in India often

hold equity in borrowers

pursuant to the Reserve Bank

of India's Strategic Debt

Restructuring Scheme and

could fall within the definition

as a result. The US Courts

have adopted a pragmatic

approach in similar cases.

They have held that a lender

who has an affiliate with an

equity interest in a debtor

(a common situation in the

case of bank lenders) should

not be deemed an insider in

the absence of evidence that

the lender used the affiliate

to influence the debtor's


"Preferential Transactions" Provisions in

the IBC

Under the IBC, a liquidator or resolution professional may

apply to the National Company Law Tribunal ("NCLT") to

set aside a transaction made within a "relevant time" if the transaction: (a) is a transfer of property or an interest

thereof of the corporate debtor for the benefit of a creditor

or a surety or a guarantor for or on account of an

antecedent financial debt or operational debt or other

liabilities owed by the corporate

debtor; and (b) has the effect

of putting such creditor or a

surety or a guarantor in a

beneficial position than it

would have been in the event of


The "relevant time" period is: two

years preceding the insolvency

commencement date in the case

of a "related party"; and one year

in the case of any other person.5

The term "related party" is

widely defined and includes,

for example; promoters;

directors; key managerial

personnel; entities related to

the aforementioned categories

of persons; "any person on

whose advice, directions or

instructions, a director…

is accustomed to act"; and

"any person associated with

the corporate debtor on account

of: (i) participation in decisionmaking

processes…; (ii) having

more than two directors in

common…; (iii) interchange

of managerial personnel…; or

(iv) provision of essential

technical information to, or from,

the corporate debtor".6

These provisions are similar to

the relevant provisions in the US

Bankruptcy Code, which provide

that a trustee in bankruptcy may

apply to set aside "any transfer

of an interest of the debtor in property" which: was made to

or for the benefit of a creditor; was made on account of an

antecedent debt; was made while the debtor was insolvent;

was made within 90 days before the filing of a bankruptcy

petition or within one year if made to an "insider";

and enabled the creditor to receive more than it would

have received in liquidation.7 As such, US legislation

and Court decisions may be of assistance in predicting how

the NCLT will interpret certain

terms and adjudicate certain

issues.8 In particular, they may

assist with determining the


  • Whom the payment must

    be made to - US legislation

    provides that the recipient must

    be an actual creditor.9 If a debtor

    transfers property to a person

    to whom it owes nothing, the

    transfer is not a preference but

    could be set aside as a fraudulent

    conveyance.10 The equivalent

    under the IBC would be an

    application to set aside such a

    payment as a transaction at an


  • Who can be liable to repay -

    The US Courts have adopted a

    wide interpretation (as appears to

    be the intention under the IBC).12

    For example, they have held that

    this could include junior creditors

    who have indirectly benefited

    where a payment to a senior

    creditor increases the value of

    the junior creditor's interest in

    the collateral.13

  • Who would be considered

    a "related party" – The wide

    definition of related party is

    potentially problematic. For

    example, bank lenders in India

    often hold equity in borrowers

    pursuant to the Reserve Bank

    of India's Strategic Debt

    Restructuring Scheme and could fall within the

    definition as a result. The US Courts have adopted a

    pragmatic approach in similar cases. They have held

    that a lender who has an affiliate with an equity interest in a debtor (a common situation in the case of bank

    lenders) should not be deemed an insider in the absence

    of evidence that the lender used the affiliate to influence

    the debtor's decisions.14 They have also held that a

    unique relationship with the debtor is not enough to

    support a finding of insider status without additional


  • When a transfer is deemed to have occurred – The IBC

    does not state when a transfer will be deemed to have

    occurred. This is of some importance in determining

    whether the transfer in question falls within the

    "relevant time" period. By way of comparison, the US

    Bankruptcy Code provides that a transfer is deemed to

    have been made: on the date it occurred if perfected

    within 30 days; on the date it was perfected if this

    was more than 30 days after the transfer occurred; and

    immediately before a bankruptcy petition was filed if

    it was not perfected before bankruptcy.16 Perfection

    is deemed to have occurred when a transfer is fully

    effective against third parties under the relevant state



For the purposes of the IBC, preferences do not include the

following transfers:18

"(a) a transfer made in the ordinary course of the

business or financial affairs of the corporate debtor or

the transferee;

(b) any transfer creating a security interest in property

acquired by the corporate debtor to the extent that -

(i) such security interest secures new value and was

given at the time of or after the signing of a security

agreement that contains a description of such property

as security interest and was used by the corporate debtor

to acquire such property; and (ii) such transfer was

registered with an information utility on or before thirty

days after the corporate debtor receives possession of

such property."

Again, the US Bankruptcy Code contains similar defenses

for creditors.19 As such, the US Courts' decisions may

provide guidance on the following issues:

  • Is "ordinary course of business" to be measured by a

    subjective or objective standard – According to the US

    Courts, it is the subjective standard of what is ordinary

    between the parties.20

  • What sort of payments would be within the "ordinary

    course of business" – The US Supreme Court has held

    this includes ordinary repayments of principal and

    interest.21 As regards payments made pursuant to a

    restructuring agreement, the US Courts have held that

    this is a question of fact and depends on the nature of

    industry practice.22

  • Does "new value" include a creditor's forbearance

    of its rights – While this is not a settled issue in the

    US, some Courts have held that "new value" does not

    include a creditor's forbearance of its rights.23

  • The US also allows creditors the following additional

    defenses, which might be argued by creditors in India faced

    with preference challenges:

  • The "earmarking doctrine" – If a third party provides

    funds (either by way of a payment or a loan) to

    a debtor to repay a specific pre-existing debt, the

    US Courts would generally not treat this as a

    preference if the funds were clearly earmarked for

    this purpose.24 Their reasoning is that the payment

    would not be to the detriment of other creditors

    because the debtor could not have used the funds to

    repay anyone else. The third party must have directed

    the debtor to use the funds to pay the debt, and the

    debtor must have had no control over how it could use

    the funds.

  • Subsequent advance of new value – Under the US

    Bankruptcy Code, an unsecured creditor who extends

    further unsecured credit or new value after receiving

    a preferential transfer from a debtor may set this off

    against the preferential payment.25 The purpose of this

    defense is to encourage creditors to continue doing

    business with the borrower while replenishing the

    diminished estate.


The IBC provisions on preferential transactions appear

to have incorporated best practices from different

jurisdictions, including the US. The key challenge

going forward will be for the NCLT to adopt a purposive

interpretation to these provisions which strikes a balance

between preventing unfair payments and ensuring that

lenders are willing to continue supporting a distressed

business during the time when their support is most


1. The authors would like to express their gratitude to Suharsh Sinha of AZB Partners for his assistance.
2. "Fraudulent preferences" were prohibited under s.328 of

the Companies Act 2013. However, the new provisions appear substantially wider in scope.
3. §25(2)(j), IBC and §39(2), Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (Insolvency Resolution Process for Corporate Persons) Regulations, 2016.
4. §43(1) and (2), IBC.
5. §43(4)(a) and (b), IBC.
6. §5(24), IBC.
7. §547(b), US Bankruptcy Code.
8. The wide variety of fact patterns in the preference area has resulted

in a substantial amount of Judge made law. For example, there are hundreds of US judicial decisions on what payments are considered to be made in the "ordinary course of business" (a defense available to creditors discussed further below). The decisions cited in this article are just a minor sampling from this body of case law.
9. §547(b)(1), US Bankruptcy Code.
10. §548, US Bankruptcy Code.
11. §45(1), IBC.

12. See the broad range of orders the NCLT may make if it determines there has been a preferential transaction under §44, IBC.
13. Gladstone v. Bank of Am. (In re Vassau), 499 B.R.864,872 (Bankr. S.D.Cal.2013).
14. Capmark Fin. Grp. Inc v.

Goldman Sachs Credit Partners L.P, 491 B.R.335 (S.D.N.Y.2013).
15. Clear Thinking Grp. LLC v. Brightstar US, Inc (In re KCMVNO) 2010 WL 4064832 at 4-5 (Bankr. D. Del. Oct 15, 2010).
16. §547(e)(2)(A) to (C), US Bankruptcy Code.
17. §547(e)(1), US Bankruptcy Code.
18. §43(3), IBC.
19. The "ordinary course of business" and "security interest in property" for "new value" defenses are in §547(c)(2) and (3) of the US Bankruptcy Code respectively.
20. Burtch v. Detroit Forming Inc (In re. Archway Cookies), 435 B.R.234, 240-245 (Bankr. D. Del. 2010).
21. Union Bank v. Wolas, 502 U.S. 151 (1991).
22. Arrow Elecs, Inc v. Justus (In. Re. Kaypro), 218 F.3d 1070, 1073-76 (9th Cir.2000).
23. United Rentals Inc v. Angell, 592 F.3d 525,531-35(4th Cir.2010).
24. Cadle v. Mangan (In re Flanagan), 503 F.3d 171, 184 (2d

Cir, 2007).
25 §547(c)(4), US Bankruptcy Code.


Disclaimer – The views expressed in this article are the personal views of the authors and are purely informative in nature.

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