David Goh

David Goh

David is internationally recognized as a leading product liability lawyer in Hong Kong and Singapore. He has over 25 years of experience in the defense of product liability claims in the Asia Pacific region. Leading the team in Asia Pacific region on product liability matters, David has been in the forefront in advising clients on how to prevent Product liability claims and defend high risk cases. David has special interest in advising manufacturing, in particular automotive sector on regulatory requirements and priorities management issues. Apart from product liability, David also handles complex commercial disputes, whether in litigation, arbitration or other forms of dispute resolution. In particular, David has represented clients in large shareholder disputes, insolvency and matters relating to internal company matters. He is also often called upon to handle cross-border matters, and has built up significant experience in dealing with issues relating to conflict of laws or private international law. He is qualified in Hong Kong, Singapore and England.

David Goh

From David Goh

Product Liability in Asia

Product Liability in Asia

Given the development of ASEAN as a potential trading bloc, it is hoped that product liability laws, or indeed consumer protection legislation

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Automobile Over-the-Air Transmissions A Global Perspective

Automobile Over-the-Air Transmissions A Global Perspective

AUTOMOBILE OVER-THE-AIR TRANSMISSIONS A GLOBAL PERSPECTIVE Both the UN and NHTSA hone in on the safety of OTA-capable vehicles, stressing the enhancement of cyber security measures to prevent...

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